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鉄道(欧州編) Railways in Europe

Gallery of European Railways.

・面白列車図鑑 Interesting Train pictorial

Interesting and Unique trains in Europe.

ロムニー・ハイス & ディムチャーチ鉄道 Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch Railway

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The railway in Great Britain said to be the smallest public transportation in the world.
(左下)2002年6月撮影、他は2002年4月撮影 (右下)フライングスコッツマン号
(lower left)Photo in Jun, 2002. Other Photos in Apr, 2002 (lower right) The "FLYING SCOTSMAN"

ミッドハンツ鉄道の「機関車トーマス」 "Thomas the Tank Engine" in Mid Hants Railway

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The loco in Mid Hants Railway resembles "Thomas the Tank Engine" closely.
(左)2002年3月撮影 (右)著作権の関係で、イベント時以外は顔が無い。2000年10月撮影
(left)Photo in Mar, 2002. (right) No face other than event occasions due to copyright. Photo in Oct, 2000.

外開き10扉電車 10 doors slam door EMU

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Slam door EMU in UK. Passengers have to lean out of the window to reach the outside door handle.
(左)2002年6月撮影:Clapham Junction (右)ドアが各座席の間にある。
(left)Photo in Jun, 2002 at Clapham Junction. (right) Doors are located between the seats.

食堂車付き路面電車 Tram car with a dining car

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Tram car with a dining car in Dusseldorf, Germany. It runs on U76 line on weekday, goes underground at city centre section.
(左)2006年10月撮影:Ost通りにて (右)食堂車 車内の様子。
(left)Photo in Oct, 2006 at Ost Strasse. (right) Interior of the dining car.

世界最古の懸垂式モノレール The oldest hanging monorail in the world

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Wuppertal Schwebebahn, the oldest suspended monorail system in the world, preserves the imperial trainset "Kaiserwagon" which was used for William II, German Emperor in Oct, 1900, and the oldest trainset of monorail existing in the world.
(上左)2007年11月撮影:Oberbarmen (上右)Sonnborner通りにて (下)御料車 Sonnborner通りにて
(upper left)Photo in Nov, 2007 at Oberbarmen. (upper right) Sonnborner Strasse
(lower) Keiserwagon filmed at Sonnborner Strasse

水力式登山鉄道 funicular railway drived by hydraulic power


Nerobergbahn is a unusual German funicular railway drived by hydraulic power. Filmed in Aug, 2007

ロンドンの地下郵便鉄道 London Mail Rail


British Royal Mail operated a dedicated underground railway in London. Now it is open to public as a part of The Postal Museum. Filmed in Oct, 2017

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