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思い出の列車たち Trains in memory

Gallery of abolished railways and retired trainsets

・廃止された鉄道(東日本) / Abolished Railway lines(East Japan)

下北交通 / Shimokita Koutsu

shimokita tanabe

(左)1991年12月撮影:下北 (右)1993年7月撮影:海老川-田名部
The management of JNR Oohata Line was transfered in 1985, but abolished in 2001. DMU Kiha-22 type was handed over.
(left)Photo at Shimokita in Dec, 1991 (right) Photo at Ebikawa / Tanabu in Jul, 1993

南部縦貫鉄道 / Nambu Jukan Railway

noheji  tsubo

(左)1991年12月撮影:野辺地 (右)1993年7月撮影:坪川
Single Railbus was used. the railway could not survive until the open of Shinkansen, and Operation ceased in 1997.
(left)Photo at Noheji in Dec, 1991 (right) Photo at Tsubokawa in Jul, 1993

岩手開発鉄道 / Iwate Development Railway

kiha202  kiha301

(左)キハ202(1991年12月撮影:盛) (右)キハ301(1991年12月撮影:盛)
Passenger service terminated in 1992, though the railway itself exists for limestone cargo transportation.
(left)DMU Kiha202 Photo at Sakari in Dec, 1991 (right)DMU Kiha301 Photo at Sakari in Dec, 1991

くりはら田園鉄道 / Kurihara Den-en Railway

C15  hosokura

(左)C15形制御車(1991年12月撮影:若柳) (右)KD95形気動車(2001年5月撮影:旧細倉駅)
Freight train operated for Hosokura zinc mine and agricultural product. After the closure of the mine, the line was rationalized with diselectrification, however abolished in 2007.
(left)C15 type control trailer at Wakayanagi in Dec, 1991 (right)Single diesel car type KD95 passing at ex-Hosokura station. Photo in May, 2001

日立電鉄 / Hitachi Electric Railway

ohashi  moha100

(左)モハ10(1996年2月撮影:川中子-大橋) (右)旧静岡鉄道のモハ100(1989年1月撮影:常北太田)
Commuter line between Hitachi and Johoku-Ota city, but abolished in 2005.
(left)Moha10 Photo between Kawanakago/Ohashi in Feb, 1996
(right)Moha100 from Shizuoka Railway. Photo at Johoku-Ota in Jan, 1989

筑波鉄道 / Tsukuba Railway

hojo  manabe

(左)1987年1月撮影:常陸北條-筑波 (右)1987年1月撮影:真鍋車庫
DMU run along with Mt.Tsukuba. Abolished on 31 Mar, 1987, the last day of Japan National Railway.
(left)Photo between Hitachi-Hojo/Tsukuba in Jan, 1987 (right)Photo at Manabe depot in Jan, 1987

鹿島鉄道 / Kashima Railway


(左)1997年9月撮影 (右)1994年7月撮影:玉造町
Main cargo of this railway was fuel for Japan Air Self-Defense Force, but abolished in 2007 due to lost of freight and cut of subsidiary.
(left) Filmed in Sep, 1997 (right) Photo in Jul, 1994 at Tamatsukuri-machi

蒲原鉄道 / Kambara Railway


(左)モハ41(1991年12月撮影:村松) (右)ED1電気機関車(1998年12月撮影:村松)
It was a micro railway with the length of only 4 km in last days. Abolished in 1999.
(left)Moha41 EMU at Muramatsu Photo in Dec, 1991
(right)ED1 Electric loco at Muramatsu depot. Photo in Dec, 1991

新潟交通 / Niigata Kotsu

12  2222

(左)新潟市内の終着駅白山下のモハ12(1991年12月撮影:白山下) (右)旧小田急のモハ2222(1991年12月撮影:東関屋車庫)
It was a Tramway in Niigata city area. Abolished in 1999.
(left)Moha12 at Hakusan-shita, the terminus in Niigata. Photo in Dec, 1991
(right)Moha2222 from Odakyu. Photo at Higashi-Sekiya depot in Dec, 1991

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