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ヨーロッパの中心点 Geographical Midpoint of Europe

Visited some midpoints of Europe.

・EUの中心点(15カ国) Midpoint of European Union (15 members)

There is a monument at Viroinval village in Belgium, very close to the French border.


2007年4月撮影 Photo in Apr, 2007

・EUの中心点(25カ国) Midpoint of European Union (25 members)

As EU members increased to 25 country in 2004, the midpoint of EU moved eastbound in Kleinmaischeid, Germany. The midpoint has moved eastbound further in 2007, as 2 more members joined to EU.


2007年11月撮影 Photo in Nov, 2007

・ヨーロッパの中心点 Midpoint of Europe

In case Europe territory counts upto Ural montains, the midpoint will be located in Lithuania.


Europos Parkasという屋外美術館にあるヨーロッパの中心をかたどったモニュメント。実際の中心点はここから少し離れたところに存在します。(2006年10月撮影)
A monument of midpoint of Europe in an open-air museum, Europos Parkas. Actual midpoint is located bit away from this museum. Photo in Oct, 2006

・ヨーロッパの水準点 Ordnance Datum of Europe

The benchimark of European Height above mean sea level (Normaal Amsterdam Peil) is located at the "Stopera", the city hall and Opera house of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


2006年9月撮影。Photo in Sep, 2006

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