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飛行機 Aircrafts

Gallery of passenger aircrafts all over the world.

・DC-3 & Ju52

双発プロペラ機DC-3ダグラス・ダコタの離陸シーン 2003年9月撮影:Lelystad Airport
Taking off of DC-3 Douglas Dakota, twin propeller-driven aircraft. Filmed at Lelystad Airport in Sep, 2003

ドイツ製の3発エンジンの旅客機、ユンカース52 (Ju 52)のエンジン始動・離陸シーン。ルフトハンザ航空塗装。 2003年9月撮影:Lelystad Airport
Starting engine and taking off of Junkers 52 (Ju 52), a German passenger aircraft with triple engine. Lufthansa livery. Filmed at Lelystad Airport in Sep, 2003

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