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国鉄よ永遠に JNR Forever!

Japan National Railways, abbreviated JNR, had provided a national railway network in Japan until it was devided and privatized to Japan Railways group in 1987. This is a gallery focusing to JNR.

・優等列車 / Intercity Trains

0 series doctor yelow

(左) 長らく東海道新幹線の顔だった0系。残念ながら2008年までに全車引退。(1986年12月撮影:東京駅)
(右) 東海道新幹線の軌道検測車、922形 通称ドクターイエロー。(1986年12月撮影:東京駅)
(Left) 0 Series EMU, the pioneer of Shinkansen. The last remaining trainsets were regrettably withdrawn in 2008. Photo at Tokyo in Dec, 1986.
(right) 922 type EMU Shinkansen track inspection trainsets. Due to it's colour, acquired a nickname of "Docktor Yellow". Photo at Tokyo in Dec, 1986.

0 series 100 series

(左) 熱海を通過する0系ひかり。(1987年1月撮影:熱海)
(右) 富士山を背景に疾走する100系。(1994年1月撮影:新富士-静岡)
(Left) 0 Series EMU Shinkansen on the Super Limited Express the "Hikari" passing through Atami. Photo in Jan, 1987.
(right) 100 series EMU Shinkansen run at full speed besides Mt.Fuji. Photo at Shin-Fuji/Shizuoka in Jan, 1994.

485 381

(左) 偕楽園横を通過する485系特急「ひたち」(1988年3月撮影: 赤塚-水戸)
(右) 振り子式381系特急「やくも」(1992年3月撮影: 備中神代-布原)
(left) 485 series EMU class300 on the Limited Express the "Hitach" passing by famous Kairaku-en Park. Photo at Akatsuka/Mito in Mar, 1988.
(right) 381 series EMU, passive tilting trainsets, on the Limited Express the "Yakumo" Photo at Bitchu-Kojiro/Nunohara in Mar, 1992.


(左) 485系日本最長の昼行特急「白鳥」(2001年1月撮影:有間川-谷浜)
(右) キハ181系特急はくと 智頭駅発車 (1997年2月撮影)
(left) 485 Series EMU in the Limited Express the "Hakucho" (Swan) was the longest operation of daytime Ltd. Express in Japan. Filmed at Arimagawa/Tanihama in Jan, 2001
(right) Kiha-181 Series DMU in the Limited Express the "Hakuto". Filmed at Chizu in Feb, 1997.

781 EF63

(左) 特急「ライラック」は北海道専用に導入された781系。(1988年8月撮影:札幌)
(右) EF63の力を借りる特急「あさま」。(1992年5月撮影:軽井沢-横川)
(Left) 781 Series EMU, on the Limited Express the "Lilac" , was specially introduced for Hokkaido area. Photo at Sapporo in Aug, 1988.
(right) The Limited Express the "Asama" got assistance of EF63 type Engines. Photo at Karuizawa/Yokokawa in May, 1992.

183 185

(左) 183系特急「とき」復活運転。(2001年10月撮影:津久田-岩本)
(右) 斜めのストライプが斬新な185系特急「踊り子」。(1992年5月撮影:根府川)
(Left) 183 Series EMU, on the Limited Express the "Toki", revival train. Photo at Tsukuda-Iwamoto in Oct, 2001.
(right) 185 Series EMU on the Limited Express the "Odoriko". Slant Stripes were impressive. Photo at Nebukawa in Aug, 1988.

82 181

(左) キハ82系 特急「ひだ」復活運転。(1994年10月撮影:上呂-飛騨宮田)
(右) 特急「はまかぜ」。キハ181系はキハ82系の出力増強タイプ。(1992年3月撮影:久谷)
(Left) Kiha-82 series DMU on the Limited Express the "Hida", revival train. Photo at Joro/Hida-Miyada in Oct, 1994.
(right) The Limited Express the "Hamakaze". Kiha-181 series DMU is the enforced type of Kiha 82 series DMU. Photo at Kutani in Mar, 1992.

583 583

(左) 利根川を渡る583系 寝台特急「はくつる」。(1987年2月撮影:古河-栗橋)
(右) 583系の車内。(1994年3月撮影)
(Left) 583 series EMU on the Limited Express Sleeping car train the "Hakutsuru" passing the bridge over the Tone river. Photo at Koga/Kurihashi in Feb, 1987.
(right) The interior of 583 series EMU. Photo in Mar, 1994.

20 20

20系客車 寝台特急「あさかぜ81号」。(1988年5月撮影:田町)
20 series passenger car on the Limited Express Sleeping car train the "Asakaze" #81. Photo at Tamachi in May, 1988.

yuzuru hayabusa

(左) 寝台特急「ゆうづる」(1988年2月撮影:水戸)
(右) 寝台特急「はやぶさ」(1993年6月撮影:興津-由比)
(Left) The Limited Express Sleeping car train the "Yuzuru". Photo at Mito in Feb, 1988.
(right) The Limited Express Sleeping car train the "Hayabusa". Photo at Okitsu-Yui in Jun, 1993.

yuzuru hayabusa

(左) 終着東京に到着目前の寝台特急「出雲」(1988年8月撮影:田町)
(右) 餘部鉄橋を渡る寝台特急「出雲」。(1992年3月撮影:鎧-餘部)
(Left) The Limited Express Sleeping car train the "Izumo", about to arrive at Tokyo terminal. Photo at Tamachi in Aug, 1988.
(right) The Limited Express Sleeping car train the "Izumo", crossing Amarube Bridge. Photo at Yoroi-Amarube in Mar, 1992.


(左) 165系急行「佐渡」復活運転 (1997年12月撮影:鴬谷)
(右) 「おわら風の盆」波動輸送に投入された国鉄色のキハ58 (2000年9月撮影:越中八尾)
(left) 165 series EMU on the special revival train the Express the "Sado" arrival to Ueno Station. Filmed in Dec, 1997.
(right) Kiha-58 series DMU, on the special train for "Kaze no bon" festival in Toyama, Japan. Filmed at Etchu-Yatsuo in Sep, 2000.

tokai 181

(左) 165系急行「東海」。(1988年4月撮影:茅ヶ崎)
(右) 引退直前にヘッドマークが取り付けられた急行「東海」。(1996年3月撮影:有楽町)
(Left) 165 series EMU on the Express "Tokai". Photo at Chigasaki in Apr, 1988.
(right) Train name plate was put just before the retirement. Photo at Yurakucho in Mar, 1996.

455 fujikawa

(左) 455系急行用交直流電車(左)と583系から改造されたローカル用719系(右)。(1988年8月撮影:仙台)
(右) 165系急行「富士川」。(1993年6月撮影:芝川)
(Left) 455 series dual voltage and AC/DC convertible EMU for express train at the left, and 719 series EMU for sururban service modified from 583 series EMU at the right. Photo at Sendai in Aug, 1988.
(right) 165 Series EMU on the Express "Fujikawa" in rice fields. Photo at Shibakawa in Jun 1993.

tamba sakyu

(左) キハ58系急行「丹波」。(1994年10月撮影:丹後神崎)
(右) キハ58系急行「砂丘」。(1992年3月撮影:津山-東津山)
(Left) Kiha-58 series DMU the Express the "Tamba". Photo at Tango-Kanzaki in Oct, 1994.
(right) Kiha-58 series DMU the Express the "Sakyu". Photo at Tsuyama/Higashi-Tsuyama in Mar 1992.

taisetsu noto

(左) 夜行急行「大雪」。(1988年8月撮影:札幌)
(右) 夜行急行「能登」機関車三重連。(1993年3月撮影:横川)
(Left) The Night Express the "Taisetsu". Photo at Sapporo in Aug, 1988.
(right) The Night Express the "Noto" with triple engines. Photo at Yokokawa in Mar 1993.

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