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国鉄よ永遠に JNR Forever!

Japan National Railways, abbreviated JNR, had provided a national railway network in Japan until it wasdevided and privatized to Japan Railways group in 1987. This is a gallery focusing to JNR.

・通勤・ローカル列車 Commuter & Local trains

kumoha12 kumoha 12 interior

(左) 旧型国電クモハ12。(1988年4月撮影:鶴見)
(右) クモハ12の車内。板張りの床に白熱灯。(1992年12月撮影)
(Left) Those EMU rolling stocks manifactured before 101 series were called "old type". Kumoha-12 type EMU was also one of old type series. Photo at Tsurumi in Apr, 1988.
(right) The interior of Kumoha-12 type EMU, wooden flooring and bulb light. Photo in Dec, 1992.

101 103 103

(左) 川崎駅で並ぶ南武線101系(右側黄色)と京浜東北線103系(左側水色)。103系は国鉄電車の最大勢力を誇り、大都市圏の通勤需要に応えた。(1987年3月撮影:川崎)
(右) 横浜線のウグイス色103系には路線名板が掲出されていた。(1987年1月撮影:横浜)
(Left) 101 series EMU, yellow livery in the Nambu Line (right side) and 103 series EMU, sky blue livery in the Kehin-Tohoku Line. 103 series was the largest number of JNR EMU, and served massive commuters in metropolitan are. Photo at Kawasaki in Mar, 1987.
(right) 103 series EMU in the Yokohama Line was in light green livery and had a line name plate at front side. Photo at Yokohama in Jan, 1987.

0 series 103 mixed

(左) 常磐線を走るエメラルドグリーンの103系。(1989年1月撮影:松戸)
(右) 混色で運用に就くこともありました。(1987年1月撮影:新松戸)
(Left) 103 series EMU in emelard-green livery served in Joban Line. Photo in Jan, 1989 at Matsudo.
(right) Sometimes different liveries were mixed. Photo at Shin-Matsudo in Jan, 1978.

201 orange 201 yellow

(左) チョッパ制御の省エネ車 中央本線の特別快速に就く201系。(1988年5月撮影:新宿)
(右) 中央総武緩行線には黄色の201系が投入されました。(1989年1月撮影: 錦糸町)
(left) 201 series EMU on Special rapid service in Chuo Line. It was introduced in 1979, and was the first JNR EMU with electric chopper control which consumes less electricity than 103 series EMU. Photo at Shinjuku in May, 1988.
(right) 201 series EMU in yellow livery were placed in Chuo-Sobu local line. Photo at Kinshicho in Jan, 1989.

205 103 1500

(左) 中央総武緩行線に投入された205系(左側)と地下鉄直通用に正面貫通扉を持つ103系1200番台(右側)。(1989年9月撮影: 三鷹電車区)
(右) 唐津線と福岡市地下鉄直通用の103系1500番台
(left) 205 series EMU for Chuo-Sobu local Line (left side) and 103 series EMU 1200 type for through operation of Chuo-Sobu local line and Tokyo subway Tozai-line. Front door is equipped for emergency exit to comply with subway regulation. Photo at Mitaka depot in Sep, 1989.
(right) 103 Series EMU 1500 type for through operation of Karatsu line and Fukuoka City subway. Photo at Hakata subway station in Mar, 1989.


(左) 快速「白い砂」号に使用される113系、ヘッドマークつき。普段は使用されない両国駅3番ホームからの発車。(2010年8月撮影:両国・市川)
(右) 419系交直流電車は、581系寝台特急電車から普通・近郊区間用-に改造されたため、内装は独特で寝台設備の痕跡を見る事が出来た。(2010年11月撮影)
(Left) A summer special train the "Shiroi Suna" (white sand), by 113 series EMU in original JNR livery with a train name plate. The train departed from Ryogoku station No.3 platform, which is used only for special occasion. Filmed at Ryogoku and Ichikawa in Aug, 2010.
(right) EMU. 419 series DC/AC convertible EMU was converted from 581 series sleeper limited express EMU for use of suburban and local services. Therefore, interier of 419 EMU is quite unique and some traces of sleeping facilities can be seen. Filmed in Nov, 2010.

183 185

(左) 165系急行「東海」とすれ違う東海道本線113系。(1988年5月撮影:田町)
(右) 地下区間から出てきた横須賀線113系。(1999年11月撮影:品川)
(Left) 113 series suburban EMU passing by 165 series EMU on the Express the "Tokai". Photo at Tamachi in May, 1988.
(right) 113 Series suburban EMU on Yokosuka Line came out from the underground section. Photo at Shinagawa in Nov, 1999.

82 181

(左) 国鉄最後の日にヘッドマークを掲げて走る113系。(1987年3月撮影:田町)
(右) 側線に勢揃いした113系。(1987年8月撮影:錦糸町)
(Left) 113 series EMU with the farewell plate of JNR on the last day of JNR. Photo at Tamachi in Mar, 1987.
(right) 113 series EMU lines on the sidlings. Photo at Kinshicho in Aug, 1987.

583 583

(左) 塗り分けラインの違い。(2010年5月撮影:幕張本郷)
(右) 国鉄末期には混色編成も見られた。(1987年4月撮影:大阪)
(Left) Difference of livery line can be seen. Photo at Makuhari-Hongo in May, 2010.
(right) Different liveries were mixed on last days of JNR. Photo at Osaka in Apr, 1987.

115 115

(left)115 series EMU is derived from 113 series, and equipped enhanced motor and dynamic brake for the operation of highland and cold area. Photo at Koga in Feb, 1987.
(right)2 different liveries met. Photo at Shiojiri in Mar, 1987

117 415

(左) 関西の新快速運用に開発された117系。(1987年4月撮影:大阪)
(右) 交直両用の近郊電車415系 (2002年1月撮影:川島-結城)
(Left) 117 EMU was developed for Special Rapid Service in Kansai area. Photo at Osaka in Apr, 1987.
(right) 415 series suburban EMU is dual voltage AC/DC convertible. Photo at Kawashima/Yuki in Jan, 2002.

yuzuru hayabusa

(左) 交直両用の417系は山岳・寒冷地用で抑速ブレーキ・半自動2扉仕様。(1988年8月撮影:仙台)
(右) 北海道の交流専用近郊電車711系。(1988年8月撮影:札幌)
(Left) 417 series suburban EMU, dual voltage AC/DC convertible, with dynamic brake and semi-automatic 2 side sliding doors for highland and cold area. Photo at Sendai in Aug, 1988.
(right) 711 series AC EMU is designed for Hokkaido area. Photo at Sapporo in Aug, 1988.

tokai 181

(左) 西日本の旧型国電を置き換える目的で登場した105系。(1988年3月撮影:福山)
(右) 静岡地区のフリーケンシーサービス用に投入された119系。(1987年7月撮影:静岡)
(Left) 105 series EMU was to replace old type EMU in west Japan area. Photo at Fukuyama in May, 1988.
(right) 119 series EMU was deployed for frequency service in Shizuoka area. Photo at Shizuoka in Jul, 1987.

tamba sakyu

(左) 足尾線のキハ20。(1989年3月撮影:沢入)
(右) 真岡線のキハ20。(1988年4月撮影:下館)
(Left) Kiha-20 series DMU on Ashio Line. Photo at Sori in Mar, 1988.
(right) Kiha-20 series DMU on Moka Line. Photo at Shimodate in Apr 1988.

taisetsu noto

(左) キハ52はエンジン2機搭載の出力増強型。
(右) 同じくエンジン2機搭載のキハ53。腕木式信号機が見える。(1993年3月撮影:出雲横田)
(Left) Kiha-52 series DMU equipped with double engines to enhance power output. Kiha52-128 was the only car kept the original beige/vermillion JNR diesel car livery. Photo at Kisuki in Mar, 1992.
(right) Kiha-53 series DMU also equipped with double engines. Mechanical semaphore signals can be seen. Photo at Izumo-Yokota in Mar 1992.

taisetsu noto

(左) キハ30は大都市近郊の非電化区間用に開発された3扉車。(1992年5月撮影:竹沢-折原)
(右) ローカル列車にも使用された急行用キハ58。(1993年11月撮影:中在家信号所)
(Left) Kiha-30 series DMU was developed for suburban non-electrified lines. Photo at Takezawa/Orihara in May, 1992.
(right) Kiha-58 series express DMU was also used for local trains. Photo at Nakazaike Signal Station in Nov 1993.

taisetsu noto

(左) 工場労働者輸送用の65系旧型客車。(1988年3月撮影:兵庫)
(右) 65系客車の内部。定員を増加させるため、最低限の椅子以外は撤去されていた。(1988年3月撮影)
(Left) 65 series old type passenger car for the transporation of factory worker. Photo at Hyogo in Mar, 1988.
(right) The interior of 65 series passenger car. Most of chairs were removed to maximize capacity. Photoin Mar, 1988.

taisetsu noto

(左) ED76電機機関車に牽引される50系客車。(1994年3月撮影:豊幌-幌向)
(右) DD51ディーゼル機関車に牽引される50系客車。(1995年11月撮影:野沢-上野尻)
(Left) 50 series passenger car hauled by ED76 type electric loco. Photo at Toyohoro/Horomui in Mar, 1994.
(right) 50 series passenger car hauled by DD51 type diesel loco. Photo at Nozawa/Kaminojiri in Nov, 1995.

taisetsu noto

(左) 蒸気暖房中の50系客車。(1988年3月撮影:坂出)
(右) 50系客車の車内。(1991年12月撮影)
(Left) 50 series passenger car heated by steam. Photo at Sakaide in Mar, 1988.
(right) The interior of 50 series passenger car. Photo in Dec, 1991.

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