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大河の源流 Source of river

Exploring the source of rivers in Europe.

・ドナウ川 / The Danube (Donau)

The Danube originates in the Black Forest region in germany, going through Eastern European Countries, and reaches to the Black Sea.

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(左) ドナウエッシンゲンにあるドナウの泉。 観光地として有名だが地理上の源泉はさらに上流に。
(右) 海から2840km
(Left) Donauquelle (Spring of the Danube) in Donaueschingen. It's famous tourist spot, but geographical source of the Danube is located on further upstream.
(Right) 2840km from the sea.


This is the original source of the Danube. Water springs from under a rock with a monument plate.

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(左) 更に丘を登ると北海と黒海の分水嶺が。分水嶺を示すモニュメントが建つ。
(右) 分水嶺の近くにはMartinskapelleという教会が。2006年10月撮影。
(Left) The Drainage divide of the North Sea and the Black Sea is located nearby upper the hill. There is a monument to show the Drainage divide.
(Right) A church "Martinskapelle" near the Drainage divide. Photo in Oct, 2006.

・セーヌ川 / La Seine

La Seine originates in Bourgogne region in France and reaches to the North Sea via Paris.

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(左) 森の洞窟にあるセーヌの源流。
(右) 源泉の洞窟にある彫刻。
(Left) La Seine springs from a cave in forest.
(Right) Sculpture in the cave.


The first bridge over la Seine. Photo in Sep, 2004

・マース川 / Maas (Meuse)

The Maas originates in North-east part of France, and reaches to the North Sea in the Netherlands via Belgium.

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(左) 道路の横に建つ源泉のモニュメント。
(右) モニュメントの下から湧き水が。
(Left) The monument of the source on a road side.
(Right) Springs out from under the monument.


近くのD417号線(Rue Principale)には地中海と北海の分水嶺が。2006年10月撮影。
The Drainage divide of The Mediterranean and The North Sea nearby on the route D417, Rue Principale. Photo in Oct, 2006.

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